Good day, fair traveler!

Welcome to England. The year is 1369, and you have  arrived in the middle of the hundred year war.

But verily, there is good news! All of the fighting is over in Gascony and France so you have come to the safest country.

And there is more blessed fortune still. You have come to a year that is between the Great Mortality of the late 1340s and the peasant revolt of 1381.

But do not tarry!

There could be brigands about, and you are traveling alone. Make haste to solve these medieval riddles and determine the correct word you will need to take with you through the portal!

1. Beneath the riddles, you will see three doors.

2. Choose the door that contains the pictures that match the correct riddles’ answers!

3. Beneath the correct door will be a word of utmost importance, and the door will lead you back to your portal!